Welcome to the book for guests!
Feel free to leave a sign on it!
Can be whatever you want to say!
By the way, all the questions are optional, so you can skip them if you wish.
But I'm always open to new recommendations! :)
I also try my best to answer all the messages the best that I can!
Check out the previous version of the guestbook by clicking the Pudd below!
All the signs are still archived!

Here's the previous previous Guestbook!

Art made by Miya.
The contents of this page have been HIJACKED by me, LOLO!
You will be denied of all the things on this page and I'll BAN Pudd from appearing!
Yes, yes, I have returned once more for vengeance against my rival PUDD!

If you want to know how I achieved such an impressive feat like this, just head to the blog page and learn about my genius plan to infiltrate and eventually Hijack this page using a disguise!
“Guestbook? How about Invaderbook! Haha!”