Pudding's 123Guestbook Archive

123Guestbook shut down July 1st of 2024, this is the archive of my guestbook made to the best of my abilities!

+ Some changes for better readability and some doodles beside each post as a thank you for each person!

Note: The times are in the UTC-3 time zone.

1:34pm 04-25-2024
Happy birthday !!! luv ur site !!! :]
Replied on: 9:46am 05-16-2024

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the website!

7:46pm 03-30-2024
Replied on: 9:46am 05-16-2024

7:19pm 01-29-2024
love the secrets!!
Replied on: 1:08pm 01-31-2024

Happy to hear that!

They are just as fun to make as they are to find!!

12:25pm 01-18-2024
rly relaxing vibes here
Replied on: 1:07pm 01-31-2024

Yup, Yup!

Super chill~~

Top 5 vibes!

11:13am 01-11-2024
Hello, your website is very fun, and I love finding secret links
Replied on: 1:00pm 01-31-2024


Glad you had fun clicking around!

7:31pm 01-04-2024
Replied on: 12:56pm 01-31-2024


Teu site é muito daora Dorival!

5:25am 11-07-2023
Man, what a cute classic site!
I really loved your original stories, you don't see that often here!
You know, I tried writing once but it's so hard to come up with stuff
Anyway, I really respect what you do and keep up the good work!
Replied on: 1:16pm 11-07-2023

Thank you for checking out the website! Happy that you like the original stories! I also find writing a little hard too, but the best way to improve is by writing and rewriting a lot! A friend to review your writing also helps! Coming up with stuff comes with time, I usually get ideas by listening to music! Thank you again, and I hope you have a nice day traveler!

10:37pm 08-14-2023
I don't know what are neocities, but for sure is a new content for my boredom hehe
Replied on: 1:07pm 01-31-2024

Neocities is a wonderful place where you can create and host your website! It's super fun!

I recommend you give it a try and look around for other people's websites!

5:01pm 07-28-2023
cool site bro
Replied on: 7:50pm 07-31-2023

Thank you! You have a awesome website too!

5:30pm 06-05-2023
i found your neocities by complete chance and it is so cute. and then i see the music of the day is uncontrollable from xenoblade x and completely lose my mind. i love xeno so much and u r so right xenoblade x is super underrated. amazing taste. i hope u have a super day. < 3
ps - i love the idea of a guestbook, i'm in the middle of revamping my own neocities and i think i gotta include one of these too now hehe.
Replied on: 10:14am 06-06-2023

Thank you for checking out the website! Glad you enjoyed!

Also YES! Xenoblade X is such a gem!

You should make a guestbook! It's very fun!

4:05am 06-04-2023
Hi Pudding.
This is a nice comfy website and I dig the front page with random moe images, your OC avatar is cute, and especially I really like your dream journal pages with the color scheme inverted.
Your art is good too!
Replied on: 8:49am 06-05-2023

Helo Moon!

I'm glad you enjoyed the sillies I made!

I really enjoy the texts you post on your website, they are so much interesting to read and gives a lot to me think about!

The dream journal was one of my favorite pages to make!

Have a nice day/ night!

12:07pm 04-26-2023
Lone wanderer
Happy birthday! I bring you random trivia as a gift (weird pointless nerdy one) Ghostbusters: the video game was originally ghostbusters 3 it played directly into the first two movies! Later on it unfortunately became non canon as Ghostbusters: Afterlife came out
Replied on: 8:47am 06-05-2023

Thank you for the gift!

I got trivia for you to!

The June Bug is named like because they are only found during May and June!

8:27am 04-01-2023
Hi Pudding ! I'm Miya's artist friend. Thanks for using my art I appreciate it very much! (PS : your website looks silly and fun I love that)
I hope you have a great day/night !
Replied on: 8:43am 06-05-2023


Thank you for making such good art and glad you enjoyed the website!

Have a great day/night!

9:30am 03-30-2023
not miya
where is pudding where did you hide him
Replied on: 8:42am 06-05-2023

There can only be one.

6:48pm 03-05-2023
Look at me ma!
I revived this guestbook for a better experience!
Replied on: 8:42am 06-05-2023

TRUE I DID, I like this one more

4:36pm 10-04-2022
first lol
pudding is very very cool (coolest cool dude)
play project mirai dx
Replied on: 8:42am 06-05-2023

Actually second

Also play that game yea!

4:25pm 10-04-2022
Look at me ma
I signed my own guestbook
Replied on: 8:41am 06-05-2023


Rest in peace 123Guestbook.