

Corner only for Gamers!

(The above text is purely cosmetic, anyone is allowed in the corner!)

Welcome to the games page!

Before I start the main topic, let me explain why gaming is such an important hobby for me, and my history with it!

I have been an avid gamer since a very early age. It all started when I inherited a Playstation 2 from my parents, this console is responsible for all early memories of my childhood. But we weren't fortunate enough to have the privilege to buy original copies of games, so we had to have fun with whatever we found at local markets and stuff. The games that I had at that time were most of the Crash The Bandicoot titles for the PS2, Graffiti Kingdom and a cd that had roms of all Super Nintendo games with an emulator built in.

Something very important to note is that I'm not a native english speaker, so the games I played back then were all done without the understanding of text. I played the usual you expect: Super Mario World, Super Mario All-Stars, most Megaman games for the system, and (this one is very important.) Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.

Mystic Quest was my first ever RPG I ever played and that had lasting impacts that can be felt even today!

My favorite genre of games is RPGs and thinking back right now, it's quite funny that ended up being my favorite. I barely could even read my home language at the time!

But time continued to pass, eventually I got into computer games and when my family got a home computer. That's when things went off the rails, but I'll spare you the details.

With the overly long block of text over, time to actually talk about the cool video games!

As established earlier, my favorite genre of video games are RPGs(mostly JRPGs.) , but I can enjoy almost any game! Except sports games, those I don't like!

Let me show some of my favorite games of all time in alphabetical order:

  • Bloons Tower Defense 6.
  • Honkai: Star Rail.
  • Kingdom Rush Series.
  • Metal Gear Solid Series.
  • Mario & Luigi Series.
  • Persona Series.
  • Pizza Tower.
  • Team Fortress 2.
  • Terraria.
  • The Binding of Isaac Rebirth.
  • Super Mario Bros. X
  • Undertale/Deltarune
  • Unturned
  • Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

Specil mention goes to the rhythm genre, I don't have much mechanical skill and dexterity(this is why most of my favorite games are "thinking" games.), so I'm completely doodoo at them. Still, they are very enjoyable to jam out while going with the music!

Another thing I'm deeply fascinated with in gaming is history! I love learning the history of games, from the fight between Nintendo and Sega in the early days to the rise of indie games today. It's such a unique medium of entertainment and has so many stories to tell, I can't help but to learn more about it.

This leads me to the final topic I wanted to talk about, you!

You, the video game dev or person that wants to make a game that stumbled to this page by chance! Yes you!

I wanted to say that I appreciate your effort and hard work you'll put into your games. Keep making them, keep following your passion! I can't wait to play your games!

I dream of making a game of my own someday, but that dream is still distant at the moment. But one day I'll make the RPG I want to make!

And that concludes this page, thank you for reading!

Have a Pudd as a reward:

Pudd encourages you to make a game, you should listen to her c:

Art made by Miya

This website was lovingly made by Pudding! If there are any issues, report them at this email: