Welcome to a new blog update!
Here I am, sleep deprived, Pudding here to ramble on and on about silly things he has been doing for the past few days!
Today’s topics are: Pudding’s Cove 2.0, The Little Prince, Mario & Luigi Brothership and Wonderful Precure!

Spoiler Warning for all those topics!
Let’s begin right away so my brain can get some sleep later today!
Pudding’s Cove 2.0 is Here!
After over a month’s worth of work, the wait is finally over! 2.0 is finally here!
Pretty much every system and feature on the main pages were updated in some way or another! My favorite update is probably the new secret link system where they are way easier to find if you hover over them and once the secret page is visited, the word will have a different color. Forever marking that you found that secret… until you clear your browser history at least! Another cool feature is that all the main pages have custom embeds too! Try linking them to see it!
As you may have noticed, this new layout resembles the previous one I was using, and that’s on purpose. Neothemes, the name of the old layout, was pretty much a perfect fit for me ever since I saw it for the first time. I feel that this simplicity fits my website and my tastes better. Oh yeah, I need to give an enormous thanks to Neothemes! They were pretty much the first step that took me into this long and goofy journey of maintaining a website. If it wasn’t for them, it would’ve taken way more time for me to get to this point.
The only thing that is not here just yet is the season themes, those have some issues I still need to discuss with Miya, which hey, this is probably the first time they are hearing about this being an issue! Hey Miya! Thanks a lot for all the help putting this silly website together! They were the real magician behind the scenes making this website as pretty as it is right now.
If you think my website is cool, Miya has an objectively cooler and pretty website, just click their name to go there!
By the way, here’s a Pudd with a different outfit:

“I don’t know what this is but it feels nice!”
I also wanted to completely revamp this blog and add a tag system so people could sort the dates by what topics they liked… but after consulting with Kiwi (they’re website is also awesome, you should check it out by clicking their name!), I realized there is too much JS involved and I’m not smart or comfortable enough to understand it. She did direct me to a thing that would help but that too was too much for my small brain to understand… so these plans for a tag system were delayed to a distant future. A distant feature where I learned JS and became really efficient with it! Though, some minor improvements will come for the blog update next month!
This is the (2nd) last project I had to catch up to before I could start everything I want to do this year, and I’m so happy it looks as good as it does!
I have pulled many all-nighters-- Well, more like half-nighters-- to get everything done this month, for the better of the website and the worse for my own health… but I’m sure things will be alright! I mean, Pudding’s Cove 2.0 released, the big project is done and looks awesome! The last thing I still need to do before actually starting 2025 for myself is the Phoenix Club chapter 9.5 that will release next month. I’m gonna start writing that after this blog update, so wish me luck! But yeah, I managed to complete everything I set out to do at the start of the month, and I’m happy about that!
Le Petit Prince
The Little Prince
Book made by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
(Recommended by Miya.)
Okay, I need to get this out of the way first: I don’t know how I should feel??
I saw many people talk about how this book made them feel a lot of things and really do introspection about who they are… not me though? I went in with the expectation of getting a deeply thought provoking message about something, but instead I was met with boa constrictors.
That’s not to say there is none in this book, there’s nice messages about responsibility in relationships, not losing our childhood as that allows us to see what normally is invisible to the eye and a bit of not being wary to show who you are to others. It’s a well told story, I enjoyed it but I was left feeling weird. I don’t know what exactly I’m supposed to take away from this book… which I guess does make it special? Thinking about it now as well, I guess it did me think about it a lot… so the book won in the end?
I’m sorry, I’m not being very comprehensive with this review, let's dial it back and talk about the elements I did enjoy.
The characters were quite funny and eccentric, all the grown-ups the Little Prince meets have a quirk that makes them entertaining, such as the king who rules over all the stars but becomes desperate when his only subordinate begins to leave. The Little Prince is quite the funny character too, they repeat themselves a lot when they don’t get an exact clear answer until the person gets annoyed and answers him. These were quite funny scenes.
But yeah, what a strange book that left me with a strange feeling… Again, not a bad feeling, just a strange one.
I feel it’s not even fair to give it a score, but if I had to give one, I think it would be 4/5.
Honestly, you should read it too, if anything, it’s a fun book!
Mario & Luigi Brothership!
I finished the game and I have A LOT to say, so strap in, this will be a long one!
But first let me tell you how I felt during the final half segment of this game! Below are spoilers for the story of Brothership!
Spoilers For The Ending!
Okay, we NEED to talk about Reclusa, one of the most terrifying villains in the M&L series yet, heck, even in the Mario series AS A WHOLE!

Most evil creature ever!
Mario and Luigi actually fail to stop Zokket from reviving Reclusa and immediately this creature steals the show and plunges the world into darkness. You see, Reclusa absolutely hates connections and relationships that people have, not because they have some deep and sad backstory, no, he just absolutely despises it. Which is the complete antithesis to the whole game message about connections you have with people.
Reclusa’s plan is to create a world that is in perfect solitude, for that they summon these weird flowers all over Concordia that when attached to one’s head, they will show you the best possible reality you can dream of… but this is fake of course, in reality this plant is controlling you while you stand there motionless, slowly dying. This is the scary part, it’s a fake reality that will slowly kill you, which is part of Reclusa’s plan, to slowly kill all the residents of Concordia.

Happy little dreams...
After all, a world in complete solitude, is a world where no one exists.
What’s even worse is that Mario and Luigi even fall for this fake reality right before their confrontation with Reclusa. Suddenly everything fades to black, and when they brothers wake up. They find themselves in the Mushroom Kingdom and everything is oddly alright, in a very creepy way-- then it suddenly cuts to this:

Something I NEVER expected to EVER happen in a Mario game!?
The Soli-tree (the final dungeon in the game) was pretty much a perfect test of all the skills you learned through the game and the final boss fight was amazing.

This giant fight was freaking awesome
Chasing down Reclusa, going inside the Weeping Reclusa and eventually having the proper final fight… Reclusa getting more unhinged and desperate as the fight goes on… this is THE best final showdown in the M&L series. What I found super cool was the post battle, Reclusa, laying on the ground defeated, begins to apologize for everything he has done and saying that he gets the thing about connections now-- EXCEPT NOT, AS HE LIES AND MASHES THE GROUND BENEATH MARIO AND LUIGI! So for one last time, the bros show the power of their connection and smash Reclusa’s screen into pieces!

The ending… It was simply amazing. Saying goodbye to everyone and seeing the many characters we met along this adventure finally happy and living a peaceful life with the entirety of Concordia connected once again, it did make me emotional.

Connected Concordia!
A gift to remember the bond with the Concordia people.
Now that I’m finished with the game, let me give a proper short review of the game.
Mario & Luigi Brothership really expands the scope of this series of games to a whole new level, it's the first home console release after all. The game is far larger than all the others in the franchise, the story is more grounded this time around, the character designs were so good & creative, the many improvements to the combat systems made battles much more engaging and fun (such as the battle plug and their many synergies!) and of course, visiting all the islands and solving puzzles was awesome. The thing I was impressed the most about was the incredible attention to detail! The islands you visited previously do change as the story goes on, even the title screen does! Everytime I booted the game, I was greeted with a title screen reflecting the current point of the story!

This goes really hard!
This game, by all means, is a REALLY great game with some of the highest highs in the ENTIRE Mario franchise, I’m not kidding!
… but there’s one thing that holds this game back. The game is PLAGUED with pacing issues.
You know the saying: “Bro, trust me, this game gets REALLY good 15 hours in!”
It takes soooooo looooooooooong for things to pick up, which is a real shame, because what this game has to offer (without getting into spoilers) is some of the best in the entire Mario franchise. The sad reality of this game is that some will never get to experience, understandably so, asking someone to invest 15 hours into a game first to then get a great experience later on is unreasonable when they could spend this time on something else that will bring much more fun to them.
In the end, I’m glad this game exists. Not only is it the revival of a series that I love so much, but it’s a great game too! (despite the pacing issues)
Still feels surreal that in a span of a year, the 3 pillars of Mario RPGs were all revived and one of them got a brand new game!
I loved Mario & Luigi Brothership. The whole theme of the bonds and the many ways this game presents them is really endearing. Even now, as I’m writing all this --probably incoherent-- review, I find myself missing the characters we met during this long journey…
I’m glad to play and experience a brand new Mario & Luigi game.

I miss this adventure.
Wonderful Precure 2nd Half!
Last time in Wonderful Precure, I watched up to about half way through the season, up until the villains were introduced, and now I have fully finished the season!
So, what did I think about it?

Komugi the goofy!
Well, I did think about it a lot! (That means I have a lot to say about this topic as well…)
The season got a lot more interesting with these new villains working against the precures, but I do feel like it was a mistake to introduce them so late into this season. Not only because this latter half of this season has a much more engaging story wise, but it also caused a lot of problems later with things being rushed.
Spoilers For The Season and Ending!
For a few examples, the introduction of Diamond Unicorn’s Human form. That just happens one episode and stops being a big deal the next episode!? The defeat of Torame and the lore dump that happened right after felt so OMEGA RUSHED. We already knew that Torame wasn’t a real bad guy, he just wanted to have fun. But the way his defeat was handled, despite being a nice scene showing the message of the show masterfully, it did feel rushed as it just happens with no real build up. The ending of the season could’ve used a few more episodes as well, everything important to the story happened at a breakneck pace and Satoru’s and Daifuku’s transformations, despite being really cool, were pretty much brushed off.

They look so good too...
But I must praise the ending for going all in and being actually really dark! The scene that really got to me and made me emotional was the moment when Subaru saw that the pain he was causing was the same pain he suffered many years ago… which he in response broke down and attacked himself for becoming the monster he swore to destroy… that’s such a dark scene, are we sure this is good for kids!? The screams of his VA were freaking guttural and haunting as well.

But despite all the pacing issues in regards to the story, I can’t say I didn’t absolutely love this season. In fact, I think I like Wonderful more than Soaring Sky! Crazy right?
“Why though?” I hear you ask, well, because of the fantastic cast of characters this season had. Every single episode was a joy to see these characters interact with each other and see the slice of life moments. My favorite character is probably Mayu! Her moments of intense shipping were hilarious to see!

This trio is the best!
Something that surprised me was that they handled a lot of themes related to pets and animals that we really don’t see in kids shows. Like, an episode about death and how the owner of the pet copes with the loss of what essentially is part of the family!?
That episode hits home for me personally. When I was very little, my dad used to have a dog that was a bit scary, but very loving! But one day, he had to go to the hospital, and days later when I asked my dad why our dog never came back from the hospital… he had a hard time explaining but, in his own words “Sometimes, our pets had to go to the skies above and met god…”, it was pretty rough for my father as well. Seeing an episode dealing with such heavy topics with the amount of care and tact I saw, was a real surprise and it did make me cry a bit.
I brought the mood down a bit didn’t I? Let’s go back to a more lighthearted topic! The magical girl side of things… I don’t know man. I just skipped 90% of the transformation sequences and finishers, they felt quite repetitive and boring to me after the 5th time. But if you want a more in-depth review of this part of the show, check out Miya’s review of the season! They are THE professional when it comes to Magical Girls! I also skipped most of the OPs and EDs as well, though those are because I didn’t like the songs that much.
And that’s pretty much everything I wanted to talk about Wonderful Precure. It’s quite the weird season, feeling more like a slice of life with a story on the side, but it was a fun ride all the same. I respect this season a lot for sticking with their guns and never throwing a single punch at the bad guys no matter how dire things get, as dialogue solved all the issues we face. Definitely my favorite season so far!
As for the next season of Precure… I don’t know, I think I won’t be watching that one. I just have a feeling that I won’t like it. Oh yeah, the introduction to the next season in the final episode was kind of goofy ngl, really out of place.

I stole this from Miya, don't tell them
And that’s a wrap for this segment! Despite the time constraints at the end, I managed to finish everything I wanted to watch/ play this month! I really didn’t expect M&L Brothership to last this long, but it was fun. Wonderful Precure was also really fun, despite having pacing issues as well. I guess the theme for this blog is pacing whiplash and fun?
The song of the day is Mochimochi by TAK!
TAK has quickly skyrocketed to my favorite Vocaloid producer ever since LEMON MELON COOKIE released! This song is one of their previous works and it’s just as catchy and great as the newest one! The fact that they also do shitposts and silly remixes of their own songs also adds to it. TAK’s songs rule!
So, things have now, come to an end!
Such a hectic and busy month has finally concluded, I’m glad. Very much looking forward to the more chill and less stressful days coming next month. So much deserved rest that’s for sure!
That’s all for today!

New blog update time!
Today’s features are: Pudding’s Cove 2.0 Progress, Mario & Luigi Brothership and Bloons TD6 Legends!

Spoiler Warning for all those topics!
Today will be a rather short one (for real this time), because I didn’t do much to note in the past 10 days. So let’s begin!
Welcome to Home 2.0!
That’s right, the brand new Home page 2.0 has officially launched! You can check it out right now by clicking the home link above!
Following a theme this time, I completely remade the home to turn it into a restaurant menu! A lot of work was put into the page and I absolutely adore how it ended up looking by the end! I would like to give a huge thank you to Miya for all the coding help for many of the scripts and other stuff that really tied this page together!
I also ported many other pages around the website to the new 2.0 layout, such as all the art related pages, dream pages and a few other smaller pages. Next week, I’ll be porting the main pages to 2.0 design and also slightly rework how the blog works!
Pudding’s Cove 2.0 is almost complete and I can’t wait to finish it!

“Drawing with your off hand is not hard at all!”
Phoenix Club Updates!
Panels for chapter 4 & 5 are officially in development! Everything is now set in stone and Scrimblo is going to do a fantastic job with them for sure!
Panel 5 is a pretty detailed one, because of the background elements, hints, the importance of the chapter and all the characters present in the panel itself, so expect panel 4 to release way earlier than 5! Rest assured that it will be amazing though, Scrimblo Bimblo is really talented! (check out their website by clicking their name!)
In the meantime, you can look forward to the brand new ( & Official) first 4-koma for Phoenix Club: Phoenix Club: Mini - Ice Cream Trial! Being drawn by the talented Miya, yes, the one behind the newest Nekoweb banner! This 4-koma will tell a cute & funny little story about Seiko and Ice cream! (You would’ve known all this if you followed Miya’s website, which you totally should by the way, click their name to check it out!)
I have other things to say about “Phoenix Club Mini” but I’ll wait for the release to talk about it, but it will be very fun!
Oh yeah, Phoenix Club: Mini - Ice Cream Trial is set to launch in March with chapter 9.5! Look forward to it!

It will be very good looking!
And that’s everything new that I wanted to share for this segment!
Mario & Luigi Brothership Finally Exciting!?
After 3/5s of the game, I can confirm with certainty that, yes, Mario & Luigi Brothership does get really good after 20 hours!
…yeah, that’s not good.
For a while, the game has been dragging its feet across the sand about everything. Don’t get me wrong, there were cool things here and there but the game took such a loooooooooong time to take any step forward in the story. For 20 hours, you did the exact same thing: connect islands and solve whatever minor problems they had…
But that all changed when Bowser finally showed up in the story! (Minor Spoilers ahead!)

Peace before the storm.
Bowser has been consistently the best character in this series, and what he brings to the table this time around is not disappointing at all! After his introduction, it was quickly established that he was not on the side of good or bad guys, he was there to do his own thing. Bowser turned the story from a battle between The Brothers and The Main Villain, to a 3-way tug-of-war between all of them.
The main villain trying to corrupt everything glohm while stopping the The Brothers while dealing with Bowser constantly attacking him;
Bowser trying to conquer Concordia, stopping The Brothers from connecting the islands in the process, while dealing with the Main Villain and his glohm corruption;
And then there is The Brothers trying to connect all the islands, while dealing with both threats at the sametime!

This was a funny gag!
This is REALLY cool! The game’s story became so much more dynamic and fun… it’s such a shame that this only happens after 3/5s of the game.
Putting the very slow pacing aside for a moment, I need to praise something that is noticed as the game went on, which is the extreme attention to detail. NPCs always had a dialogue discussing the current events in the story! For example, when glohm started to spread, if you went back to the previous islands you visited, you would notice that some NPCs were corrupted with glohm! The number of NPCs corrupted would also increase overtime as you progress too! That’s INSANE attention to detail, that is present everywhere in this game!
Spoilers For The Villain!

Zokket is pretty cool!
Moving on from story elements, I have to officially announce that my Accessories Only Run was cancelled due to being too annoying. Here’s what I noticed, enemy levels scale much higher than player levels, so enemies would have way more HP and DMG than you can deal with as the levels go on. This is fine, since equipment balances that out! …except I banned boots, hammers and overhauls… which meant that normal battles would take progressively more and more time to beat, paired with the constant threat of being one-shotted at any time… it didn’t make the game fun.
I don’t have hundreds of hours and patience to deal with this, so I decided to change the rules to allow boots and hammers, so battles don’t take over 5 minutes to win.
But yeah, it really is a shame that the game’s pacing is so poor.

Even the title screen changes with time!
Bloons TD 6: Rogue Legends!
The first ever paid DLC and evolution of the BTD 6 formula. I bought and played… so how was it?
It needs work.
Rogue Legends is the first ever paid DLC, this mode aims to add a “Roguelite” gamemode to BTD 6. You move a monkey around a randomly generated map and your objective is to defeat the final boss at the end. There’s many bloon encounters on your path that take you to games where you need to beat a certain amount of waves, that get progressively harder the more encounters you face, do challenges, visit shops and collect treasures!
What are these treasures you might ask? Well, they are artifacts! These items provide unique and powerful buffs to specific monkeys, category of towers or sometimes a certain type of monkey that will help you deal with the increasing difficulty!

This one is very tough to beat!
This all sounds good and all, but is this mode worth the 10 dollar price tag? Not at the moment.
The concept is cool and a good innovation for the game, but it falls a bit flat in the execution.
Bloon encounters take too long to do, Tier 5 towers are very discouraged by the loadout & expensive upgrade system and there’s not a lot of artifacts.
It’s not something impossible to solve though, here’s some cool solutions from the top of my head!
Make bloon encounters shorter and add challenges to some of them that you need to complete to win! Such as least tiers, least cash or something like “get 70% of pops in one tower”. Something to spice the encounters up.
Add at least 1 or 2 artifacts exclusive to each monkey. Things like the wizard having a secondary attack or the ninja shadow ability from BTD 5! Or even something more unique like “When freezing a frozen bloon, apply frostbite that deals continuous damage to the bloon while they are frozen” for the ice monkey!
The concept is cool and fun, it just needs more work and time in the oven. Right now, it's a bit boring after the first playthrough because of the long battles and little artifacts.

Strong winds ahead...
And that’s everything for this segment!
The Song of the Day is Konton Boogie by jon-YAKITORY! A very energetic and charming song that is very catchy in terms of melody and the MV by Ichimaru! (Another cool social media artist that has done a Hatsune Miku MV!)
I like this song a lot!
And that’s everything for this blog!
Completing Pudding’s Cove 2.0 and organizing the Phoenix Club content coming in March are the last 2 projects from last year that I’m catching up to. After all this is done, I’ll be able to engage with all the projects I planned for this year! (Legend of Dreams and Phoenix Club chapters 10 ~ 14)
Thank you for reading!
See you next time!
Have a nice day traveler!

February is here! The year has now fully begun in my eyes!
Today's features are: Amphoreus Trailblaze Story Quest, Kingdom Rush Alliance: Colossal Dwarfare and Risk of Rain 2 Modding Madness!

Spoiler Warning for all those topics!
This one will be a bit short, so let's begin!
Pudding’s Cove 2.0 Continues!
That’s right! Pudding’s Cove 2.0 continues to be developed!
I ported pretty much all writing adjacent pages to the new layout and made some more improvements to said pages along the way, but my main goal since last time was the new home page!
The old page is really archaic and badly coded, since it was the first time I ever tried to code ANYTHING. Heck, I used DIVs to DETERMINE TEXT FONT AND COLOR! CRAZY BAD CODING!! Regardless, I have been putting a lot of work on this new home page that is also themed around a restaurant menu! And I have pictures to share, since it’s almost complete! Here, check it out:

The brand new home page! Quite better than the rough idea I showed in my last blog update!
The page is almost complete, there’s only some features and details to implement before it’s completely done!
I would like to give a huge thanks to Miya for all the help with the Javascripts, artwork and some minor details that really make this page come together! (Please visit their website by clicking their name, it’s a VERY cool website!)

“Hm? Something's weird with my outfit?”
And that’s everything I wanted to share related to the website!
My objectives for this month related to the website are simple, fully port the entire website to the 2.0 design and also write chapter 9.5 of Phoenix Club!
Tough things on their own, but I feel like I can do it this month!
Trailblazing Journey in Amphoreus!
I did the trailblaze quest for Amphoreus in Honkai: Star Rail! So, how was it?
I would say it is good. Could be better, and in fact it did get better, but more on that later. Let me first address the horse in the room, yes, most of the criticism I said last blog update still applies to this entire quest. However, something curious happened after the midway point, those criticisms were being addressed! Very minor spoiler, but after the Mydei left the party, there were way less fade to blacks, they tried more camera angles, cutscenes were longer and there were even some CGs! They still need to work on the animations, but they did improve! I’m happy to see that because the latter half of this story was honestly fantastic! Especially the things related to the final boss and his VA going absolutely nuts and making the moment really memorable!
Spoilers For the Quest!
Nikador’s VA absolutely killed the performance, I just wished his speech was a per rendered cutscene.
I also thought it was a little strange to jump from the events of Amphoreus straight to what The Herta was doing, very big and bad whiplash from that. But it did tie back to the current events in Amphoreus. Welt and Sunday seek The Herta’s help to contact Dang Heng and Trailblazer who are currently stuck there with no means of communication. Also, I like this! There’s a clear divide in the Express, the ones outside of the planet and the ones inside, each with their own problems! I can’t wait to see what happens with March 7th and in Amphoreus!

At least the short cutscenes make for great pictures.
The story was good, as expected of Star Rail, but I hope they show more focus on keeping the story about Amphoreus and the Astral Express while improving on the presentation. I’ll be looking forward to what 3.1 has to offer!

This titan really is massive.
Colossal Dwarfare DLC!
Kingdom Rush Alliance just had its first paid DLC campaign and I played through it!
I personally thought that it was good and challenging!
The stages were pretty tough to beat because they were mostly short and the enemy line up this time around was ruthless! I was a bit rusty too so I got my butt kicked multiple times on the first stage of the campaign, but I did eventually beat it on day 1! (keep this day 1 in mind for later)
The DLC continued to be difficult afterwards too, introducing more enemies and more mechanics. One thing I liked specifically was the stage 3 boss! The boss fight wasn’t a big bad per say, but a wave of tough enemies! Only when you defeat all the toughest enemies, you would win against the boss! I thought this was a novel mechanic for Kingdom Rush, the boss fight wasn’t that hard but I hope they explore this kind of boss fights more in the future!
Kratoa, the new hero, and the new tower are pretty fun additions to the game. The new hero has a unique gimmick where if you use his hero on him, he would enhance the power of the spell while also dying in the process! It was a bit strange to figure out at first, but after I did, so many cool strats opened up such as: Using his hero spell on him when he’s about to die to a big enemy, so you get full power at little to no cost!
The new tower is just a solid ranged barrack tower that has very satisfying sounds. Actually, this whole campaign's sound design was phenomenal. There’s normally a lot of sounds happening at once in a tower defense game, as you may expect, but they made the really important/ impactful sounds louder than rest and that feels so satisfying to hear! I’m no sound engineer, so I’m afraid this is the only thing I can really say aside from “It’s really good!”...

Tough to beat stage 1...
Alright, I think it’s time to address the second horse in the room. This DLC was nerfed after the first day of release due to backlash from the players claiming it was too hard, which it was, there is no denying that. But this decision to nerf the DLC created a bit of rift in the community that plays this games, we now have the classic casual vs veterans debate. Casuals were angry about the difficulty of the DLC and Veterans are angry that they nerfed the DLC to being too easy. Okay, so why AM I talking about this on this silly little blog that will probably never be seen by either side of the community? Because I find the topic of “Casual vs Veterans” interesting and because I think the solution to this problem is not actually changing the DLC itself!
I’m a veteran of the series, but not a hardcore one that seeks difficulty above all else. The main problem I faced on day one was that, if I used any suboptimal tower, I would 9/10 lose the stage and that’s the main root of the problem. The problems are not the enemies of DLC but the suboptimal towers not keeping up with them! I hope the developers realize this, good tower balance is the key to solving this issue, not enemy nerfs. You will be pleasing both the casual crowd using their favorite towers to beat the stages, while also having Veterans happy with tougher enemies! At least that’s what I think.
The DLC was good overall! Doesn’t live up to the Pirate Kings DLC, but it's good!

I liked this small detail on a optional level!
Risk of Chaotic Weather 2!
Risk of Rain 2 is a fun game. Add 100 mods to it = Chaotic Mega fun with friends!
There’s not much more to be said other than Risk of Rain 2 has a lot of mods to play and everything works surprisingly well for multiplayer! It’s kind of crazy how well it works!
Though I do want to highlight a specific moment with one of my friends-
There's a character added by a mod that is the embodiment of gambling! So much so that he has a russian roulette ability where he has a 1/6 chance to die, 4/6 chance to do nothing or a 1/6 to kill everything in the map, revive all dead players AND revive dead allies. My friend used this ability EVERY opportunity he had and HE JUST NEVER LOST! Out of the probably 20 times he used the ability, he never got the chance to die! I find that frankly insane!
The DLC was good overall! Doesn’t live up to the Pirate Kings DLC, but it's good!

Void fields were quite chaotic with the smaller space to play!
And that concludes this segment!
For plans this month… What I would like to do this month is catch up with Wonderful Precure and finish Mario & Luigi Brothership! Wish me luck!
The Song of the Day is Confessions of a Rotten Girl by SAWTOWNE!
Do I even need to explain? Just listen to this song… SAWTOWNE continues to amaze me with the quality of their songs and how well they tune Miku! Also the lyric “All the trauma from a cobblestone, could never beat the devil in me.” goes unironically hard.
And that's everything for this blog.
I'm a bit behind on the things I want to accomplish, but hopefully I can pick up the pace this month!
(So much for a short blog ay?)
Thank you for reading!
See you next time!
Have a nice day traveler!